Friday, June 13, 2008

RGBP Friday Five

Mother Laura writes for the FF

So in honor of summer, please share your own beachy memories, plans, and dreams with a "Beach Trip" Friday Five.

1. Ocean rocks, lake limps? Vice versa? Or "it's all beautiful in its own way"? Ocean rocks, waves, yup. I have great memories of lakes from my childhood, but I really love the vast expanse of the sea.

2. Year round beach living: Heaven...or the Other Place? I probably would enjoy it.
It's not something I yearn for, but I wouldn't pass it up. I would probably prefer mountains, but....

3. Any beach plans for this summer? Does going to Revere Beach count? The first public beach in America? To walk the dogs?

4. Best beach memory ever? Hmmm. The first time I saw the ocean was when I was in second or third grade. We drove to Oregon for a family reunion with my step-father's family and we all rented a giant beach house for a couple of days. My new cousins scared me about the undertow, but I was completely enamoured with the giant rocks and waves crashing and cooking out and it was grand.

5. Fantasy beach trip? Barbados, Figi, St. Lucia, Greece, or Portugal, in a private beach house.

Bonus: Surfing Safari by the Beach Boys.

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