The past six weeks have been incredibly busy for me, as my colleague had emergency heart surgery, (all is well, thank goodness) and for the past two weeks, our administrator has been out on medical leave as well.
So, holding down the fort has meant multitudes more emails, administrivia, keeping things going....and I just haven't felt like writing. Writing has felt more like a chore rather than something full. In fact, I haven't felt like doing much of anything--no knitting, no crocheting, not much reading, my clay work has suffered...On one level, I realize that I am tired after a very busy program year in the congregation.
However, I suspect that isn't the reason for my long silence. I have been doing some important inner work that has felt sacred, vulnerable, quiet, scarey, and cavernous.
My focus has been on quiet and breathing.
And yet, the words are yet unformed...
and sometimes the sighs are unfathomably deep.
I have found a spiritual teacher to offer direction and insight...and I pray for the courage to embrace being taught, challenged, and comforted around the most tender places of my heart.
Gracious Spirit...
Liturgy w/communion for March 16, 2025 (Lent 2 - C)
Texts: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27; Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 13:31-35
*Call to Worship*
Today, God comes,
to gather us in worship:
*to wait in silen...
1 day ago
I was worried to read nothing for so long. I'll pray for those tender places of your heart.
just let that big ole mystery lean right on in on you .. you will find the strength and the peace because they are already there .. even if they do tend to hide in the weeds of noise .. sending hugs .. jess
Hello Karla,
Glad you are back on line. It's necessary though to take time out to rethink where we are going. I went to an excellent workshop yesterday with Johnny Baker from London. Emerging church, edgy kind of mission. Check out his site as there is lots of stuff there for fabulous kinds of ministry.
Hi again,
It's Jonny Baker and the website is
I hope that's right.
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