"Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers"
Christian Smith
"Thank You Prayer"
Josephine Page
Life Of Jesus For Children (The Light Of The World)"
Katherine Paterson;
"Because Nothing Looks Like God"
Lawrence Kushner
"Joan of Arcadia - The Second Season"
Amber Tamblyn;
"The Holy Twins"
Kathleen Norris
"Journey to the Heart: Centering Prayer for Children"
Frank Jelenek;
"The Little Book of Hindu Deities: From the Goddess of Wealth to the Sacred Cow"
Sanjay Patel;
"Lighting a Lamp: A Diwali Story (Festival Time)"
Jonny Zucker;
"Hideandseek With God: A Collection of Stories for Children"
Mary Ann Moore;
"Meet Jesus: The Life and Lessons of a Beloved Teacher"
Lynn Tuttle Gunney
"After the Beginning"
Carolyn Pogue
"This Is What I Pray Today: Divine Hours Prayers For Children"
Phyllis Tickle; Hardcover
"God's Dream"
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
"Psalms for Young Children"
Marie-helen Delval
"Book, Bath, Table, and Time: Christian Worship As Source and Resource for Youth Ministry (Youth Ministry Alternatives)"
Fred P. Edie
"Seasons Growing Faith Board Book Set"
Donna Scorer
"Daybook for New Voices: A Calendar of Reflections and Prayers By and for Youth"
Maren C. Tirabassi
"Where Does God Live?"
Holly Bea
Christmas Day liturgy
Texts: Isaiah 62:6-12; Psalm 97; Titus 3:4-7; Luke 2:1-20
*Call to Worship*
One: In snow-capped churches,
and on sand-strewn beaches,
*All: God’s people ...
2 days ago
Such diversity. Thanks for posting.
A lot of books! I love Lawrence Kuschner. He was the speaker at a three day clergy conference I attended - what a story teller and theologian, so captivating!
I just ordered four books - but all fun reading for my vacation or staycation, which ever it ends up being...
the books sound awesome! especially the one on centering prayer for children--i may have to get that one if you give it a good review!
i have a book which Tirabassi has several prayers and liturgies. i love her (?) work!
Can't wait for reviews!
Have you got any books from the Iona Community and John Bell from Scotland? Good songs and Celtic type of liturgies.
Wow - what a collection. I like the Hindu bits - ah Krishna and the milkmaids - don't get carried away then!!!!
PS Fiji is still full of meddling military - now they have banned the Methodist Annual Conference which represents nearly half the Fiji population!
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