on vacation.
sigh. what's with that?
beloved and I are having a ridiculously wonderful time just unwinding from a very busy program year...
but even so, a beautiful earth mother woman friend of mine lies in the hospital...in recovery from a hip disarticulation (removal of her entire leg at the hip--like how you used to take off your barbie doll legs?) due to a giant recurrence of cancer.
going in, she and her beloved were happy that they wouldn't need to take any of her pelvis, which meant that she would be able to sit straight rather than slump...
but during surgery, the doctor needed to take that important pelvis bone because the tumour in her prosethetic femur was so high up and close to the pelvis that....well, the whole point was to get rid of the damn cancer.
hasn't she been through enough?
taking her pelvis means that some of her other organs will be compromised in the long run...I don't need to whine about that....because she sure isn't.
her mantra is, I can't be a mother from the grave, but I can be a mother with one leg.
she has a lot of recovery and rehab in front of her. I can't get her out of my prayers and my mind...even while I relax...
prayers for dear A..
for her husband, her children, her doggie companions...
oh sweet Jesus,
you know the pain of suffering,
of physical anguish,
and you bore it with grace and hope...
you have already given A unbelievable grace and determinedness (is that a word?) and relentless hope.
be with her on this journey...
surround her with strength...
please, please, please,
bless her with an uneventful recovery and rehab...
she has been dished so many blows...
and yet she keeps getting back up with fierce resolve
because that is who you made her to be.
please...grace her with an army of healing angels to take care of her....
amen, amen, amen.
Liturgy w/communion for March 16, 2025 (Lent 2 - C)
Texts: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27; Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 13:31-35
*Call to Worship*
Today, God comes,
to gather us in worship:
*to wait in silen...
1 day ago
Amen, amen.
Many prayers.
Prayers for her, you, and all who are going through the muck and mire of life....(I have a few in my daily thoughts and prayers, too).
amen here too.
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