earlier this week:
me: (at three in the morning, while on vacation)
I can't get A out of my mind. She has been on my heart and in my thoughts incessantly. I can't sleep, because I am thinking of her and her family constantly, and wanting to pray always for her.
God: (at least, I think it was God) Why don't you give her up to me...let me care for her in my arms and constant care and love....
me: You???
God: Well, I am the ONE to cast all your cares on....
me: I don't know....
God: You know I Am.
me: well, o.k., but don't mess up again. A has been through a lot.
Later, about 5 in the morning. I think to myself, did I really tell God not to mess up again???
Oh my.
Liturgy w/communion for March 16, 2025 (Lent 2 - C)
Texts: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27; Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 13:31-35
*Call to Worship*
Today, God comes,
to gather us in worship:
*to wait in silen...
1 day ago
Oh, honey. I think God understands being unhappy about what your friend is going through.
Yep. And there's a different logic working at 3 a.m. Sometimes different sides are more apparent.
God can take it....but it does help to have a spiritual director to process these things with....
I'd be delighted if one of my directees recounted such an honest conversation with Godde! And so was She, I'm sure.
Direction with someone good *is* one of the greatest blessings of Godde. Trick of course, as with therapy, finding someone good and also the right match for you.
I love what you said. As soon as I read it, I thought, "Yes! I feel that way, too!" And now I'm looking forward to taking it to God. Thanks.
You know, even when we cast our cares and trust God, that doesn't mean we stop hurting for our loved ones who are hurting. Grief for her struggle is NORMAL! Hope you can give yourself grace for both the distraction and for laying it out straight it to God.
so if you can't say that to God, who can you say it to. Hope A is well.
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