How to Have an Enemy
oving my enemies is a hard teaching even when I’m thinking about it in the
abstract, with imagined foes, or at least ones that feel sufficiently
distant. B...
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
Hello out there!!! It’s been a while! A long long long long while. Last
fall, I decided I wasn’t going to do a Charlie calendar this year….. which
felt ver...
Just an average day
Our family Christmas on New Year's Eve 2022 Life looks like this now... I'm
57. I'm retired from a state university job and work with my husband in our
Advent Word Day 7: Unity
Oh, my. This small word elicited a big sigh this morning. As the meditation
pointed out, unity requires reconciliation, which in turn requires radical
Advent & Christmas Ebooks for Youth Ministry
One of our favorite resources here at Rethinking Youth Ministry is our *Advent/Christmas
Ideas for Youth Ministry* ebook and its sequel, cleverly titled "*...
A day in the life of ....
Day in the life of....
· 6 a.m. cup of tea and honey on toast. It’s 5 degrees.
· Feed guinea pigs vegetables then put Ginger Meggs and Ratu...
Sermon on Luke 24: 44-56
This morning I have the honor of preaching at my Mentor's church while she
take a well earned break. I'd be lying if I wasn't nervous. Thankfully, I
live ...
Visit our new website!
Please click the link to visit our new home,
*You will find the same great content and more!*
Be sure to update your feed readers and blo...
Don't Blink
Today at Little Church on the Corner we shared worship as we tend to do on
Sunday mornings. Following our service, we held a lunch along with a time
and ...
Four Clergywomen Walk Into a Chain Restaurant...
Actually, we do that every week. Wednesday mornings, 8 AM, most often an
establishment that is locally owned, but every once in a while, a big chain
place ...
Can These Bones Live?
Since I’ve moved to Smalltown, I have spent a lot of time
learning about the history of this town. At it’s founding in 1761 it was
one of the...
Almost Time
In a few days I'll leave Bob Dylan and the kitties behind to travel with
RevGals for BE.5. The Continuing Education events make me happy by opening
my wo...
Stuff Follow Up
Thanks for all of your support and particularly advice from Teri and Jooli.
I have talked to a lawyer who gave me similar advice to that of yours. I
kept ...
Friday Five: The Way We Blogged
Over at RevGalBlogPals, Kathrynzj writes:
A friend and I were lamenting recently about the good ol' days of blogging
and memes. Certainly there are still s...
Dear Blogger (and you, too)
Dear Blogger,
It's been almost two years, and for most of that time, you've treated me
pretty well.
Until recently, when you slowly stopped letting every...
Friday Five: Word Association
Songbird writes: It's been a busy week for me, trying to get back into the
routine after a post-Easter vacation. (How did it get to be Easter 3?) So
to kee...
I miss everybody.
Spacehook and blogging are two very different things. I like my job, but I
miss having the energy to peruse all the blogs I enjoy, and write long
posts mys...
Friday Five: Love the One You're With
*Kathryn writes...This Friday Five will post while I'm at the beach which
for me is more than a vacation destination, it is a trip home. I have found
it q...
It is so HOT here, I think I'll have to pass...
What the heck?
For the Roman Centurian in your life...
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